Tragedy of thousands of women in Ukraine

In the next three months, 80,000 children will be born in Ukraine! Today, many pregnant women nervously await childbirth in the basements of hospitals turned into bomb shelters. 💔 Dr. Maistruk from Kiev appeals: “We need the necessary supplies for the delivery. I know that money can be transferred, but sorry, we cannot use this … Continued

Our QR code

YORGHAS Foundation has its own QR code which makes donations much easier. Just scan it with your smartphone, select the amount, payment method and … that’s it! We encourage you to support our work for mothers and children in Africa – every amount has the power to save lives!

Helping diabetics in Cameroon

Diabetes is a major health problem in Africa. Thanks to a generous donation of HTL-Strefa we have shipped 4800 safety lancets and 32 glucometres as our contribution to the Global Diabetes Initiatives’ humanitarian and medical mission in Cameroon. 

Appointment of the Regional Director for Africa

We are pleased to annouce the appointment of our Regional Director for Africa,  Moses Davide Busher – Malawian social worker, change maker, skilled leader, advocate, speaker, mentor, writer, humanitarian and Global Peace Ambassador. He will be in charge for operations from Malawi and other African countries.

We are shipping a container to Sierra Leone

The 2nd edition of the “Pencils for Africa” campaign, organized in cooperation with CZADowy Ekonom and Make Our Leaders Foundation, exceeded our wildest expectations. Pupils together with parents and teachers, students, preschoolers and individual donors from all over Poland collected 2,800 kg of school supplies, boards, chalk, furniture, bicycles, clothing, footwear and toys for children in … Continued

3rd Birthday of YORGHAS Foundation

For three years now, we have been fighting for a better world – for mothers and newborns in Africa, marginalized girls and children deprived of education by poverty. It has been possible only thanks to the support of our Donors. Without you, we wouldn’t be who we are. Thank you!

Help us to send school supplies to children in Sierra Leone

This year’s “Pencils for Africa” campaign is coming to an end. This edition exceeded our wildest expectations!!! For us, however, this is not the end of the work. The shipment of the container, packed with goodness, to Sierra Leone is ahead of us! This is, of course, a huge financial challenge. Together with the partners … Continued

School supplies in Zanzibar

GOOD NEWS FROM ZANZIBAR! We write a lot about this year’s “Pencils for Africa” campaign and school supplies for children in Sierra Leone. However, we want to return to the first edition of the fundraiser, which took place before the pandemic. Schools in Ostrzeszów, Rojów and Niedźwiedz (Poland) collected a lot of items for children … Continued

Fighting period poverty in Moshi, Tanzania

Period poverty is very common in African countries. It has a destructive effect on school-age girls who, due to the lack of sanitary pads, do not go to school during menstruation, which causes dropping out of school and, consequently, the end of education.This is why we have implemented a pilot project in Moshi, Tanzania. Girl … Continued

Hospital equipment for our beneficiaries in Tanzania

💙 We have just received an extremely generous donation from Base Camp Pilsko. We got a lot of hospital equipment (hospital beds, wheelchairs, mattresses, balconies, etc.), which will go to our beneficiaries in Tanzania. 🚢 For us, this is not the end of challenges. The medical equipment will go to a container, which will go … Continued

Supporting Maasai traditional birth attendants in Lesoit, Tanzania

In traditional Maasai communities, women rarely give birth in hospitals. Usually, childbirth takes place at home, in the presence of a traditional midwife and female relatives. Maasai midwives equipped with knowledge and experience passed down from generation to generation know very well how to take care of a woman in labor and a newborn baby. … Continued

Fight against diabetes in Arusha, Tanzania

Diabetes is the most common metabolic complication in pregnancy. In Tanzania, it affects as much as 13% of pregnant women and, unfortunately, if left untreated, it can be fatal to the mother and her child. As part of the project carried out at Levolosi Medical Center in Arusha, we donated blood glucose meters along with … Continued

Fighting menstrual stigma in Tanzania

In many places around the world, including Tanzania, the stigma and shame of menstruation prevent girls from being educated and functioning properly in society. Together with the Buhemba Village of Comfort Foundation, we organized an educational session for school-age girls in Moshi. We talked about the menstrual cycle, taboos and myths related to it, hygiene … Continued

Empowering Maasai women in Tanzania

A world without period poverty and stigma is possible. We cannot wait for the Covid-19 pandemic to end. We need to step up action and investment in menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) NOW!That’s why we have visited Lesoit village where Maasai women have just finished sewing reusable sanitary pads for our beneficiaries in Tanzania. In … Continued

Field visit in Zanzibar

How exciting to be in Zanzibar with Al Sahel Foundation! We are so happy to finally meet in person after two years of phone calls, texting and email exchanges! After fruitful meetings and brainstorming, we couldn’t feel better. Your vision, mission and professionalism impressed us a lot and we are honoured to be your partner … Continued

Focus 1000 and YORGHAS Foundation in Sierra Leone

Focus 1000 and YORGHAS Foundation, two organizations that are deeply engaged with reducing maternal and newborn mortality, are proud to announce a new partnership designed to grow and enhance both organizations’ ability to end preventable deaths of women and children in Sierra Leone. Together we will achieve more.

New Project in Mali coming soon

We are pleased to announce that we have started a new partnership with Rossy Foundation and its field branch in Mali. Rossy Foundation is a non-governmental charity organization based in Germany. Its sole aim is to help alleviate the sufferings of less privileged people. We are very excited and can’t wait to start working together … Continued

Cooperation with NOHA

We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with NOHA (Network on Humanitarian Action), of which the University of Warsaw is a member. NOHA offers Master’s Degree in Humanitarian Aid. Students have the opportunity to undergo their student internships at our Foundation. It is very difficult to run projects in Africa during the pandemic, … Continued

YORGHAS Foundation in Sierra Leone

This year is getting better and better. We have joined forces with the Make Our Leaders Foundation – MOL and thus begin our presence in Sierra Leone! Together we will work on programs related to newborn and maternal health as well as educational projects for school-age children from underprivileged populations. We will come back to … Continued

2nd anniversary of YORGHAS Foundation!

Today we are celebrating the 2nd anniversary of YORGHAS Foundation! It is indeed a proud and gratifying moment for the entire team to look at the incredible journey we have had. Packed with opportunities and challenges we have come a long way together to become what we are today. And we still have a milion … Continued

The fight to end period poverty

We took part in the Safe Growth of Refugee Teenagers Sanitary training conducted by YAREN Organization at Kabazana Nakivale Refugee Settlement/ Isingiro District, Uganda. The training included preventing sexually transmitted diseases, menstrual hygiene and other women helath realted issues. YAREN organization donated sanitary pads and soaps for the participants of the training. Period poverty affects … Continued

We help fighting the coronavirus!

Once again JAVEL POLSKA company showed us its generosity by donating disinfection tablets. We passed them to the Association “Dom Pomocna Dłoń” in Błońsko, Jabłonna that runs a homeless shelter and takes care of the sick and homeless people. During this difficult time of the coronavirus outbreak appropriate disinfection and ensuring safety are absolutely fundamental. … Continued

YAREN & YORGHAS Foundation WASH pilot project in Uganda

Our partner organization YAREN Organization has just implemented a pilot project in Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Uganda. YORGHAS Foundation donated Handy Showers, well-thought basic sanitary devices enabling access to water for everyone everywhere. YAREN Organization did an amazing job distributing Handy Showers and implementing the project and reaching people who can change their lives with a little help. … Continued

The Neonatology Clinic of the Medical University of Warsaw supports YORGHAS FOUNDATION

Neonatology Clinic of the Medical University of Warsaw led by professor Bożena Kociszewska-Najman and the ProNeo Student Scientific Club operating at the Clinic took patronage over the activities of the YORGHAS Foundation. Professor Bożena Kociszewska-Najman actively supports the activities of our Foundation and together with the Neonatology Clinic team and students from ProNeo Scientific Club … Continued

Volunteer Day

The end of the year was marked by wonderful meetings with students of Polish elementary schools 🙋‍♀️🙋which decided to join our action “Pencils for Africa”✏️📚Volunteer Day organized by Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny w Rojowie was an amazing feast of empathy and sharing with people in need! Children and their teachers donated hundreds of pencils, crayons, notebooks and other school items … Continued

Save a Mother, Save a Child in Zambia!

In Zambia women and newborns die every day from complications related to pregnancy and childbirth that could have been prevented or treated. Poor quality care due to an insufficient number of skilled health workers and lack of basic equipment especially in rural areas are leading causes of those complications. Our goal is the reduction of … Continued

Pencils for Africa

In many parts of the world, owning a pen or pencil is a luxury that some families cannot afford. It is hard to imagine. Education can help achieve success and stability in a person’s life but without the basics, it is so much harder. Students of I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie w Ostrzeszowie have organized a … Continued

YORGHAS Foundation in Zambia

We are honored to inform that we will soon start a project in Zambia, in partnership with the First Lady of Zambia and her charity Esther Lungu Foundation Trust. This project would not have been possible without the commitment of the Ambassador of Zambia to Germany H.E. Anthony Mukwita and the Honorary Consul of Zambia … Continued

Donation from HTL-STREFA

We are pleased to announce that our Foundation has received a donation from HTL-STREFA company in the form of safe lancets for testing blood sugar level. It will enable the YORGHAS Foundation team to examine 9,600 beneficiaries, including pregnant mothers and their relatives. Medical screening to identify a risk group will take place during the … Continued

YORGHAS Foundation helps mothers and newborns in Uganda

Funds raised via Global Giving had helped to purchase safe birthing kits and ship them to Uganda.  Thanks to you first Mama Kits were successfully distributed among expectant mothers in Wakiso and Kampala districts at Kawaala Health Centre IV and Wakiso Health Centre IV. Birthing kits were given directly to pregnant mothers. Women and their babies will … Continued