Malawi: Fighting Period Poverty in Rural Schools

More than 75% of girls attending rural schools in Malawi lack knowledge about menstruation and cannot afford personal hygiene products. Instead of inaccessible or too expensive sanitary pads, they use random materials (such as rags, leaves, plastic bags) which are ineffective and can cause infections. This results in them missing…
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Malawi: „Fruits for Africa” Development and Environmental Project

Malawi, one of the poorest countries in the world, faces significant food security challenges, especially due to climate change and lack of crop diversification among smallholder farmers. Recognizing the importance of fruits as a source of essential vitamins and the environmental benefits of tree planting, we have launched the multi-year…
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Malawi: „The Boat of Life” for the Health Center on Chisi Island

One of the main goals of our activities in Malawi is to reduce maternal and infant mortality and improve healthcare on Chisi Island in Zomba district of Malawi. Chisi is a small island in the middle of Lake Chilwa, the second-largest lake in Malawi. This island is sometimes referred to…
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Poland: Global Education

Since its inception, YORGHAS Foundation has been actively involved in global education. We collaborate with numerous primary schools, volunteer circles, preschools, high schools, universities, and libraries across Poland. We participate in meetings, deliver lectures, and conduct workshops; we engage in discussions about the challenges faced by Global South in the…
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Malawi: Supporting the Education of Children at Risk of Poverty and Exclusion

Malawi is one of the poorest countries in Africa and the world. Despite the introduction of free primary education in 1994, 73% of children in rural areas still do not complete school due to poverty. School supplies, even the most modest, often exceed the financial means of parents. For single…
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Malawi: Improvement of Perinatal Care in Rural Areas 

Malawi has one of the highest maternal mortality rates globally, with 439 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births and 40 neonatal deaths per 1,000 live births. Half of these deaths result from poor hygiene conditions during childbirth, leading to serious infections. Newborn deaths in Malawi account for a quarter of…
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Gambia: Supporting Maternal Healthcare

Maternal mortality in Africa reflects the disparities between the affluent and the impoverished. With half of the Gambian population living below the poverty line, this economic divide significantly contributes to alarmingly high rates of maternal mortality, estimated at 458 per 100,000 live births. Many of the complications leading to maternal…
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Cameroon: Supporting Healthcare for the Vulnerable Communities

Diabetes presents a significant health challenge in Africa, exacerbated by challenging socioeconomic conditions. Gestational diabetes is also emerging as a growing concern. Limited healthcare access and awareness create obstacles for early detection and effective management of the disease. Addressing these issues is paramount to alleviate the impact on maternal and…
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Malawi: Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting Malawian women. The Malawi Ministry of Health calls for screaning to be integrated in primary health care and routinely offered to all women, however, these services are not widely available and have very limited capacity. As a part of our…
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Ukraine: Saving Lives at Birth

For many Ukrainian women, the deadly Russian invasion came as they were preparing to bring new life into the world. Many hospitals and maternity wards have been in the firing line, damaged or destroyed, and cut off from essential medical supplies since Russia launched its assault on the country. In…
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Malawi: Humanitarian Aid for communities affected by natural disasters

Due to its geographical location and global climate changes, Malawi has been experiencing extreme weather events in recent years, especially tropical cyclones leading to floods, landslides, infrastructure damage, and human losses. After the impact of Cyclone ANA in 2022, YORGHAS Foundation provided humanitarian aid to the community living in the…
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Tanzania: Fighting Period Poverty in Moshi

Period poverty means a lack of funds to purchase basic hygiene items such as sanitary pads, tampons, and soap, no access to toilets and running water, and no basic knowledge about hygiene during menstruation. What does this mean for girls in Tanzania? Period poverty is very common in African countries.…
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Sierra Leone: Helping the Children

In Sierra Leone, not all the children get the privilege of going to school, and of those who are lucky to go, many reach the school without shoes, clean uniforms, and lack school supplies. Without the necessary school supplies, bright young minds lack the quality of education that they need to thrive academically. Too…
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Tanzania: Supporting Maasai Women in the Lesoit village

In traditional Maasai communities, women rarely give birth in hospitals. Usually, childbirth takes place at home, in the presence of a traditional midwife and female relatives. Maasai midwives equipped with knowledge and experience passed down from generation to generation, know very well how to take care of a mother and…
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Tanzania: Supporting Maternal & Newborn Care at Arusha Hospital

In some remote areas of Tanzania, children are being born in conditions that are hard to imagine in the age of modern medicine. Thanks to our donors, we could at least partially change this dramatic situation. Together with our local partner Buhemba Village of Comfort Foundation we met the staff…
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Uganda: Fighting Period Poverty in the Nakivale Refugee Camp

Together with our local partner organization, YAREN, we worked in the Kabazana Nakivale refugee camp in Uganda. As part of our efforts, we conducted training sessions covering topics related to sexually transmitted disease prevention, menstrual hygiene, and the health of girls and women. Each participant was provided with essential personal…
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Tanzania: WASH & Poverty Reduction Projects

In Tanzania, we cooperate with the Buhemba Village of Comfort Foundation. Together, we implement projects focused on combating poverty, improving access to reproductive health, and fighting for access to water and better sanitation.
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Nigeria: Improving Perinatal Care

Nigeria ranks among the top countries in which women and children die during labour and in the first days of life. Together with our local partner, the Wheels of Hope Rising Foundation, we created the project "Providing a safe childbirth for mothers in the states of Oyo and Ogun in…
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Uganda: Improving Access to Healthcare for Women in Rural Settings

We started a project in one of the districts in Uganda with a high mortality rate of mothers and newborns caused by perinatal infections. Neonatal deaths are inextricably linked to the conditions of delivery and newborn care. Many women die every year during pregnancy and childbirth as a result of…
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